How to connect my uSked calendar via iCalendar (iCal)?

How to connect my uSked calendar via iCalendar (iCal)?

Ūsked has support for calendar applications that understand the iCalendar standard. The Ūsked iCalendar data is read-only, and can not be modified by any calendar application.


From your Ūsked web portal visit Your Account > Your iCalendar URL. You may copy this iCalendar URL and then paste it into the appropriate setting within the calendar application you want to use. 

Note: There is a hard limit of 500 past service requests and 500 future service requests that can be included in the iCalendar data.

Calendar Applications

In this section we will provide you with information regarding how to set up your Ūsked calendar with some of the most popular calendar applications out there.

Apple Calendar (macOS)

Here are the steps to add your iCalendar URL to the native calendar application on macOS.

1. Within the Calendar application, go to Menu → File and then select the New Calendar Subscription… option.

2. Paste your iCalendar URL in to the Calendar URL field, and press the Subscribe button.

Apple Calendar (iOS)

Here are the steps to add your iCalendar URL to the native calendar application on iOS.

1. Launch the Settings application and then tap on the Accounts & Passwords option.

2. Tap the Add Account option.

3. Tap the Other option.

4. Tap the Add Subscribed Calendar option.

5. Paste your iCalendar URL into the Server field, and tap on Next.

Microsoft Outlook

Here are the steps to add your iCalendar URL to the Outlook mail application made by Microsoft.

1. On the left side panel, right click on Other Calendars and then select the Add Calendar → From Internet… option.

2. Paste your iCalendar URL into the text field, and click on the OK button.

Mozilla Thunderbird

Here are the steps to add your iCalendar URL to the Thunderbird mail application made by Mozilla.

1. Right-click in the empty area below Calendar on the left panel, and select the New Calendar… option.

2. Choose the On the Network option, and click on the Next > button.

3. Paste your iCalendar URL into the Location field, and click on the Next > button.

Google Calendar

It is possible to add your uSked calendar to Google Calendar by adding it using their From URL feature.

1. Click on the + icon next to Add a coworker's calendar.

2. Select the From URL option.

3. Paste your iCalendar URL into the From URL field, and then click on ADD CALENDAR.

NOTE: Google Calendar synchronizes with your Ūsked calendar only once every 12 hours, and it is not guaranteed to update. For this reason, please do not rely on Google Calendar to pull up to date information from your Ūsked calendar in a timely manner. Unfortunately, Google controls this sync time frame (as shown under the Add using a link section of this article on their help center.)

Android Calendar

Android calendars work using Google Calendar, so all of the instructions for Google Calendar also applies to the Android calendar application. Once you add your iCalendar URL to the Google Calendar, it will also magically appear in the Calendar application on your Google devices.

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